Hey, hey, Teacher Friends! Let’s chat about back-to-school read-aloud books that will build your classroom community. You should pick books that have themes that match the vibe you want to create in your classroom. If you want to promote compassion, then pick a book with a compassionate character. In order to promote honesty, pick a book that teaches a lesson about honesty. In this blog post, I will share my top 3 read-alouds for building classroom community.

What If Everybody Did That?

Back to School Read Aloud Book: What If Everybody Did That?

What If Everybody Did That? by Colleen M. Madden is the perfect back-to-school read-aloud book because it teaches children about the importance of following the rules at home and at school.

Those Shoes

Back to School read aloud book: Those Shoes

Those Shoes by Maribeth Boelts is great for the beginning of school because it teaches children about compassion, empathy & understanding.

Thank you, Mr. Falker

Back to School Read Aloud Book: Thank you, Mr. Falker

Thank you, Mr. Falker, by Patricia Polacco is a favorite among many teachers. It teaches children about the hardships of learning to read. It also teaches them about determination and hard work.

Check Out My eBook!

Take a more in-depth look at how I used these back-to-school read-aloud books at the beginning of the year with my ebook Building Classroom Community Through Read Alouds.

Building Classroom Community ebook.

Thanks for stopping by!

Rebecca Jeanette